Pops when streaming


I just recently purchased a Node2i to stream in my system. I'm using the Coax out to feed my Peachtree Dacit into an NAD amp. I'm streaming via hifi not direct connection. 

I'm hearing some pops and snaps when I use Coax out, which are not there if I use the Streamer's own Dac. What's even more confusing is that certain cables pop and snap even more. I've contacted everyone with no help or suggestions as to what is happenning. 

What could be causing the pops ans cracks when streaming? Is this a known issue, related to network, cables, dacs, streamers?

Any help would be appreciated. 

Wow! It has to be a faulty Node. I'm shocked you're still having issues. I'm very sorry to hear that. 
Just to be clear, this is not a normal outcome.  Sounds to me like you've got a faulty streamer.  I'd return and switch brands (or at least get a replacement).

Streaming lets you hear so much new music.  If you're really a music lover, the benefit of that enormous library for your musical enjoyment cannot really be overstated.
Popping back with a vengeance, and tried it with 2 different dacs, 3 coaxial cables, 2 amps. 

I'll stick to CD and vinyl this streaming not worth the hassle it seems. Maybe in a few years!

thanks for all the help, 

Seems like if that reduced the popping, maybe the issue is that you've got a bad clock signal that's causing timing issues in the dac.  Would be nice if you could borrow a reclocker (or jitter reducer) to see if that fully eliminated the problem.
So it seems to have reduced the popping, but it’s still happening.

At this point I think I’m just going to return the Node2i. Doesn’t seem to play well with my system, and Bluesound help is not getting anywhere.

The only other thing I can think of is our phones or other network electronics are causing problems. 

I had the same exact issue. In some instances,the Nodes don't play well with the clocks on some DACs. I had no problems running mine with an older April Music DAC,or on older Schiit Bifrost. I purchased a used Wyred4sound DAC ,and that's when the issue showed up. It took me 2 days to figure out,and I even had the seller ready to take the DAC back.  I felt like such an idiot! 
rocray (and lowrider57),

Thanks I’ll try that and report back. At first I thought it was just one of my cables, but I’ve tried 4 Coax and they’ve all done the same.

Also, thinking it might be the network, I streamed through the Node2i’s DAC directly, and the popping stopped.


7:38 I was typing the same answer as @rcray but he beat me. Try the Audio clock trim.
You need to go into the settings menu on your Node,go into "player". From there go to "audio". Scroll to the bottom of the page and turn "audio clock trim" off. That should do the trick.

Do you have a cd player with coax out that you could swap in and see if the problrm persists?
It happens often at the start of songs. streaming from

Amazon HD

It pops a lot more with some cables. I am trying to identify the source of the problem in case I need to return the Node2i. 
What are you streaming?
In my experience BluOS creates pops at the end of some, not all mp3s. Converting them to compressed flac silences the noise.
I had a c658 on loan, streaming with a node 2i. Heard the same thing. It's gone. Maybe a Nad thing.