Poor grammar is disappointing and decidedly distracting in formal audio reviews.

I find the majority of formal audio reviews across numerous publications to be easy reads.  However, I can barely put together a coherent thought when reading anything by Jason Kennedy, editor of the-ear.net.  It is as if he does not understand the limitation of use of a comma.  Do the English really have that much of a different implementation of the english language versus Americans?  Does anybody else struggle to read certain editors' work?

Showing 5 responses by asvjerry

...more fun and games with Anguished English after a whipping post or two from our desponders....

Having fits over arguments with Spell Check?
Well, you are not alone.  I'm with you, here to hawk my latest tome:

Howl 2 catsup frum no attentsion dureng englash gasses! (Furst Addiction)

It's free! Only a dollar....;)
Nonoise!  A fit description of the mess we find our greater gaggle groping with! +42!

Democracy is So Passe'....

We really need a loose-minded mafia-stereotype to devolve us into the futility of the future, leading some truth deceiver sycophants to goosestep Proper...🤪
(...pity, all those formal reviews I’ve read not properly attired in audiogarb.....let’s see....sweatpants & t-shirt?...nah. Shorts, no socks?....ehhh. Izod ’n ’crisp’ slacks? Better, I guess... )

The ’Full Monty’? Mmm, only with proper ’companionship’ *cue Up* ;)

Rare, perhaps....but done ’well done’ essential...
@nonoise .....giving up in this currant molasses is not an opinion.
We need to press French until the drench of of intuition shakes the cord of exUBERance...!

(....where Did I leave that f'n lighter....?!....)

Happi Post Holidaze....Back to....whatever....