Polling MagnePan Users - Using a SubWoofer?

Got my 20.7's last year; awesome speakers and almost near perfect in every way...do wish that they had that last little bit of 'thump' in the midbass and bass...

Has anyone tried the big Paradigm sub-woofers, either the Sub 1 or Sub 2 with their 20's or 3.7's? Wondering how successful that pairing turned out to be?

Showing 1 response by rhljazz

You might also consider Gallo TR1D subs. They are solid to around 25hz in my room and very easy to integrate. These are way better than any of my previous subs including REL.

The cabinet is a sealed design, round and metal, very compact, aluminum cone, and a 200 watt amp. No slow ponderous bass to be found.