Woodworking is another hobby of mine, and I'd suggest you simply use a quality furniture grade paste wax. I've found that Mylands paste wax is easy to work with as long as you follow basic paste waxing guidelines, which are... use a soft cloth... apply a very thin coating... let it dry for a few minites... and wipe it off with another soft cloth. Old T-shirts are good becasue they won't scratch the surface. Never use anything with an abrasive because it'll scratch the surface. Put two or three coats on (wiping down each coat before you apply the next coat) and leave it alone. You really don't need to constantly wax these. I have the Adagios so I know how they're finished. Since they have several coats of clear finish on them, you're not "treating the wood", you're simply polishing the clear coat finish.
Paste wax may help you remove the streaks which the Gibson polish has left behind. Put a little paste wax on an small area with a streak and see if it takes it off before you go further.
Hope this helps you out.