Plinius 8100 vs musical fidelity A3.2

Hello all,
i currently have a plinius 8100 integrated amp. I am tempted to consider switching to the MF A3.2 integrated amp due to its on board phono stage. I love the sound of the plinius, but I’m thinking less is better. I’m running the plinius with a MF outboard phono stage (lx-las) driven by a rega P25 table.
thanks in advance
Keep the Plinius! An excellent unit! Changing to an MF is a sideways move at best! Consider a phono cartridge upgrade instead! Maybe a Hana LS? 
Keep the Plinius.  It may be older but it's more sophisticated.  If you have the urge to tinker, try a new phono amp or cartridge.