Please recommend speakers

I’m just starting my audiophile journey and want to make sure I pair the right equipment before going too far down the rabbit hole. I am coming into this as a complete newbie. I listen pretty much to everything but mostly pop, classical and jazz in a fairly large-ish lower level living room (maybe 20 x 20 feet square) and speakers sitting on bookshelves. I know they should be on stands or floor-mounted, but that doesn’t really work for me right now space-wise. So far I have Jamo 803 bookshelf speakers with newly purchased SMSL DA-9 amp and matching SMSL SU-9 DAC (previously was using an old NAD D 3020 V1 integrated amp with direct connection from iPad to internal DAC). Now I stream directly from an old iPhone/iPad via a USB camera adapter to the DAC which has balanced connections to the DA-9 amp. I pretty much stream music exclusively (currently on free trials with Tidal and Amazon HD). No other sources. No library to speak of. No headphones. The Jamos sound great to me, but I feel like I need something better to pair with the mid-fi DAC and AMP. So I’m looking for upgrade the Jamo 803s which were purchased on sale for $130. Looking to spend up to maybe $800 for a pair. Recommendations? Thanks in advance!


Edit:  Here's what I'm considering so far.  KEF350, Polk R200s, Audio Monitor Bronze.  Thoughts on pros and cons?  Anything else?


I use a pair of KEF LS50 is an un-ideal "IKEA bookshelf". It is my kid’s playroom. It sounds really good given the placement issues. They sound even better on stands in a smaller room. I have very high ceilings, so you need to consider room volume too. Your room maybe too big though.

Living Room System | Virtual Listening Room (

These speakers are now 9 years old, and I still like them a lot. All the gear in the photo was sold in the last 2 days, except the speakers. I will be putting a $9.5K KRELL integrated amp on this tonight. The KEF’s sound better with good gear. I only sold the gear listed because I have the same amp upstairs and wanted to use the KRELL.

You do not need warm gear, like my KRELL, with the LS50s. I actually prefer neutral gear (like what I sold).


From my experience using a lot of amps on the LS50s, they could use about 100 watts @ 8 Ohms of power.


I was just thinking why does such a small speaker sound relatively good in my high-volume room. It must be the high ceilings, over 25 feet.

Thanks for the recommendation everyone.  I am intrigued by the Tekton Design Mini Lore, and will be keeping an eye on the ads for paradigm S2, revel M106, audio monitor bronze, LS50s and anything else that pops up in my price range.   I think a high efficiency speaker will be important as I suspect a small tube amp will be next on my upgrade list for this system.  As others have noted, this small system will not fill out the large room.  I do have a home theater system set up in the same space with floor standing, ceiling and surround speakers, which I occasionally use for listening to music.  It can definitely fill up the space with sound.  I know this smaller bookshelf system is not going to fill up the room, but I'm just looking to build something I can also use for detailed listening at a relatively short distance.  Thanks again for the recs!

I see the amp is rated at 50 wpc.@8ohms. The way they post the spec makesme believe that 50wpc is questionable.  I would not look at any speaker with less than 90-91 db sensitivity. 93+ even better. So far, none of the speakers except the Tektons are a decent choice for your amp. There are other mfg’s who make high sensitivity speakers but I can’t think of any right now. You will have to look at the sensitivity rating. Anything below 91-92 db is not going to be very good. Don’t look at the speaker mfgs rating on "Recommended Amplifier Power" Sure you can get some sound from an 87db. But your amp will be near distortion (clipping) when playing

BTW, Here is an example of the specs I was speaking about. Look at the Recommended Amplifier Power" and you will get some understanding of what I am speaking about

M106 Look at the specs. 87db

Thanks for looking up the specs on the DA-9 amp.  I will keep that in mind for sure.  Perhaps I should also consider the Klipsch 600M (sensitivity of 96db).  I don't really listen at very high volumes, but I do want to be able to get the best out of the amp/speaker pairing.   

Seems like a bit out of my league here after reading the other thread about speaker recommendations for $130k!  But I very much appreciate all the time people have taken to respond.  It does seem like the advice I'm getting here is a bit different than what I have been gathering from popular audiophile review sites and YouTube channels.  Maybe I shouldn't trust those reviews so much...