Please Help: Replacing tubes on ASL MG-Head

Hi everyone,
I have a Antique Sound Lab MG Head DT (the first version, not the OTL version). I would like to try changing the tubes on it... The problem is that I know NOTHING about tubes...

can anyone tell me what the 3 tubes are about? Also, what type of tubes should I get. Also, where should I get them? How much should I pay?

By the way, I own a pair of Grado RS-1 and the source is a Sim Audio Moon Eclipse CD.

Any info would be very appreciated...

Thanks ahead

Showing 1 response by hackmaster

If memory serves the older non-OTL version had the same tube complement as the current version. If that's the case, you're looking at two EL84's for output and a 12AX7 for a double triode. Currently they are shipping the unit with Sovtek EL84's and a JJ 12AX7. I am not sure if that is what yours has or not - probably.

We recommend the Electro Harmonix EL84 "EH" as an upgrade from the Sovtek's. I think it's a good step up. I have an MG Head at home and use EH's in it - sounds great. The JJ is ok - you can fiddle around with any one of a million 12AX7 replacements if you like. The Sovtek's are a fine choice, and that's what I use.

As for New Old Stock tubes - there's loads of NOS stuff out there and I am sure somebody will recommend the various choices and sources for these guys. I do not sell NOS for a variety of reasons I won't go into, so I only recommended tubes that are currently in production.

You can get the EH and Sovtek brands from New Sensor ( for pretty cheap. A matched pair of EH 84's will run you $12.80/ea. The Sovtek 12AX7LPS will run you $15.50.