Please Help - Marantz PM 7000N

Looking to purchase a Marantz PM7000N .. not sure what speakers to pair with it. getting away from vinyl and cds. I am currently streaming Tidal and really love it. Just looking to update my old denon dra397 and Paradigm monitor v7. I am currently looking at ~~Wharfdale Evo 4.4 or 4.3. Not sure if these components match. Ready to buy now. please help

My listening choices at a mid volume are:

John Coltrane

Steely Dan

Norah Jones

Pat Metheney

Miles Davis

Frank Sinatra

Neil Young

Joni Mitchell


My budget is around $3000 for integrated streaming amp and speakers.





May I suggest a pair of KEF LS50W ($2500), these speakers only require a source (like a music server or a smartphone) you dont need any other equipment they have built in amplifiers and DAC’s and volume control. These speakers borrow the same concident speaker technology as the $30,000 Flagship Blade speakers. Several ways to connect from a pair of analog inputs(turntable) to Optical and USB audio (TV or music server) or even Bluetooth (smartphone). This USB Audio is THE connection for best SQ. I would connect a Aurender music server ($2500) for a ultimate small system although this will push past your 3k budget a little. Of course there are other music servers that would keep it more in line, Marantz comes to mind. Yes you could connect a Bluesound node2i streamer ($600) to them as well.. Happy listening.



Matt M

Wharfedale and Marantz are considered a match made in heaven by many. It is where I started investing myself many many years ago. That said, it will produce a sound that is on the warmer side, which is great for the music styles you list, but it will not be the final word on detail. If this is okay with you, then the only other thing I would encourage you to do is choose the right sized speaker for the room. If you have a smaller or medium sized room the Evo 4.4 might be to big for it.

Also, Marantz and Wharfedale are commonly carried by dealers together. Depending on where you live, it should not be too difficult to demo these. Larger online retailers should also offer them with a satisfaction guarantee if you can’t demo them locally.