Platter upgrade for VPI MkIV?

I'm hoping some of you can answer these questions. I'm using the non-inverted bearing and a TNT II platter (acrylic/metal?, sandwich). Is the inverted bearing a significant upgrade and is the (new) Classic platter (aluminum/stainless) superior to the Superplatter? Is the inverted bearing a snug fit in the MkIV plinth? My bearing has a flange with 3 holes for small bolts to secure it to the plinth. The inverted bearing has one large nut on the bottom therefore it seems like it would need to fit snuggly in the cutout of the plinth.

Showing 1 response by markd51

The HW-19 is probably the most "tweakable" Table VPI ever made. A bit unsure what Platter you have, is it Lead Filled with a Cork Ring underneath? With 3 Adjustment Pins by the Spindle?

The Classic Platter would most likely sound different, but perhaps not necessarily better. That may come to be a personal opinion of one versus the other?

While VPI no longer markets the Super Platter, it appears Elusive Disc still has stock of these. As far as I know, all VPI Platters, with the exception of the HR-X Super Platter should be a drop in fit on any other VPI Table.

I would assume that as some have claimed, the Super Platter was the best VPI ever made, and again would assume just due to sheer mass-weight(at 25 lbs), that there would be sonic benefits to be had.

Lowering noise floor to a stock HW-19 can be accomplished a number of ways, experimenting-substituting suspension components-materials to Base, different Feet, Shelves, Racks, Bases, modification to the Stock Motor, and Motor Mounting Hardware within the Base.

And there's the VPI SAMA.
And as well the VPI SDS Speed Controller, to lower Motor Noise Floor, and also correct for slight speed errors, inherit on all VPI Tables. Mark