Pivot to Spindle distance

My P2S distance is off by about 5 mm (over). But my cartridge seams to be aligned pretty good. Is there any advantage to having the P2S distance exact? Sounds spectacular with my redoing the entire setup.
Must have had a senior moment during the P2S alignment part.

VPI Aries
JMW-10 arm
VPI jig (to get it close)
WallyTractor (final alignment)

Showing 1 response by dangcaonguyen

IMO, when the manufacture designed a tonearm, they calculated and set the P2S distance and all the geometry of the tonearm to get the best out of the cartridge with the least of distortion possible. When you changed the P2S distance, it will lead to the change of the offset angle of the cartridge mounted on the tonearm. It works, but it might cause more distortion (the ear might not detect it) and affect the life of the tonearm (might cause more friction on the pivot bearing).
In conclusion: If it was mine, I would spend sometime to reset as the manufacturer recommended.