Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Ruins the Song ‘Money’!


Showing 1 response by tomcy6

I find Water’s "Money" interesting. Sound quality is good as far as I can tell.

Waters said a while back that the purpose of the remake would be to put the focus on the lyrics because he hadn’t noticed any change in behavior in people who have been listening to them. He can probably include himself in that group.

It would be ridiculous for Waters to try and make a Dark Side that out-Floyded Pink Floyd and stayed on the charts even longer. He would have to be brain damaged to try.

I hope the album"s other songs are as different and interesting as "Money." I expect to listen to them maybe a few times and see what Roger’s done with them. I don’t think it’s an album that is meant for frequent listening or parties.

He did an interview for Variety in which he talks about it:

Roger Waters Reveals ’Dark Side of the Moon’ Remake, Releases ’Money’ - Variety

I especially liked this line from the interview:

“I love the original recording, by the way, and I love what Nicky (Mason) did and what Rick (Wright) did and what Dave did on the original recording,”

I always like to see people try to end a spat. This alone won’t do it but it may be a start.