Picking Speakers 20k-30k

Recently built a HiFi System with much help from this site, now I’m looking at upgrades.  Strongly considering an all-Aavik system but looking at speaker options before I pull the trigger on anything, hence the following question: If you were buying new speakers in the 20-30k range (used or new), what’s on your shortlist?  Bonus points if you have suggestions based on synergy with Aaviks electronics.

If it helps the conversation: 21’X 19’ treated listening room with cathedral ceiling. Listen to a wide variety of music.

thanks for your expertise!


I just purchased the b&w 801 d4, hooked up with McIntosh mc2700 and Mac 462 amp, everything you play on them sound fantastic 

If I was in that budget range I would look certainly audition the Dynaudio Confidence series.

Placing speakers at this level only 20” out from the back wall is almost a non starter to get the best imaging/soundstage out of them. If you can manage to pull the speakers out a foot more here are a couple nice-looking and excellent-sounding speakers that are musical with many genres of music…

I’d also add Sonus Faber and Rockport as other excellent choices to check out. My advice — don’t hang your hat on Aavik just yet as although it’s excellent it’s all about synergy so my suggestion is use the manufacturer as a resource for what amp to choose once you choose a speaker. Choosing the amp first is just absolutely backwards thinking to me. Best of luck.