I run two SOTA Stars, Series III Oaklands. I have an SME V on one since 1986 and an AMG 9W2 on the other. I got the AMG used last Sept at the top of your budget range but patience is key for buying used. Not all arms are going to fit due to the recessed armboard. For what's readily available and new, I would recommend the Audio Mods 6 with the VTA base. It fits and is compatible with your deck,. Further, it can also be adjusted to work with different cart weights and compliances. Spend the rest of your money on a Cosmos armboard. Origin Live are nice but I would only get the Encounter or better unless you don't mind having to remove the armboard to adjust the vta. BTW, if you're never replaced your SOTA springs, the field kit replacement (if you have some diy skills) is the best money you will spend.