Phonostage pairing?

Can anyone here give a poor fellow fresh off the flat-earth bus any advice about phono preamp / cartridge pairing?
I am undecided over the choice of cartridge to pair with my forthcoming Kuzma Stabi Reference/Airline front end(Koetsu Jade/Clearaudio Goldfinger/Benz) with Gryphon Diablo integrated and ProAc D38 speakers.
The real problem however is that I am being pointed in a thousand different directions by (mis?)guided salesmen regarding suitable phonostages...
Is there a rule of thumb about correct pairing?
I am considering the Whest Audio 2.0
Many thanks

I may be misinterpreting your response but I own a Whest and while it does not have the controls that the EAR 324, Rhea, or Steelhead have, you don't have to pop the top to adjust the cartridge load settings (if that was what you were referring to). The unit has RCA jacks in the back and comes with standard load plugs (100 and 47k ohms), plus you can have others made up or make up your own (I have 500 and 1k ohms in addition). If I misinterpreted your response I apologize, but I thought that was your point of reference.

Koocho - James Henriot is a gentleman and I am glad you're continuing to consider his designs.
I'd put the ASR basis exclusive and wavestream kinetics on you short list. Both are flexible enough to work with a variety of cartridges and both play with the best IMO.
I strongly recommend the Whest because firstly, the phonostage is something really special. I use it with an Allaerts MC1B feeding a Naim double HiCapped NAC282 and a NAP250 with Living Voice OBX-R2 Speakers. Arm is a Graham 1.5t/c and TT is of my own design

And, James is a great person to work with.

I second Glide3's recommendation of the Wavestream and give equal kudos for the Keith Herron's phonostage.