Phonostage for Jan Allaerts MC 2 Finish Gold.

I have an Avid Acutus Reference SP turntable with Dynavector DV507MKII, I have been using this with the DV XV-1s and different step-up transformers like Bent Audio Mu, Alltec Lancing 4722 and M.A. Cotter MKII with my Hovland HP-100 built in MM phonostage. Recently I bought a SME20/2 with SME V-D arm and my dealer borrowed me a Jan Allaerts MC 2 Finish Gold that I now have in the Dynavector arm with a Yamamoto headshell. The XV-1s is in the SME V-D arm.

The Jan Allaerts is much more demanding than the XV-1s so I have not had the greatest sound from it through transformers. Recently I have tried the Avid Pulsare and yesterday also the Einstein Turntable choice, both good match with the Jan Allaerts as far as I can tell.
The problem is that without having tried different placements too much I have a hum problem with the Jan Allaerts. Could be the low output, could be the placement of the phono stage.

Anyway, does anybody know of a great phono stage for the Jan Allaerts? I am very happy with the XV-1s into the Hovland, but if the new phono stage has two inputs that is most welcome.

Any other advises, tips and tricks I need to know about the J.A. MC2 Finish Gold? I think I will keep it cause it sounds lovely.
What Karelfd said seems to be the best advice possible. But as regards the hum, per se, check your grounding scheme. If your tonearm is grounded to your preamp, remove the ground wire. If the tonearm is NOT grounded to your preamp, then add a ground wire. Similarly experiment with other possible grounds. (This is a black art.)
Graham Tricker the builder/designer of Tron gear is the former distributor of the Allaerts carts in the UK, so he knows them well, his phonostages were designed around that cartridge line up and the critical loading and high demand of such a low output cart like the MC 2 Finish Gold.

They can also be ordered with two inputs.
I have 2 Allaerts MC2 Finish Golds (one is for backup just in case). Phonostage matching is critical with this cartridge. The Isenberg is the one, but it is about 20k. I purchased a Martensen phonostage (about 6K) from the US distributer of Allaerts, Hart Huschens (Audio Advancements).
This is what Hart recommended as a good match. He let me compare it with my other phonostages (Conrad Johnson Premier 15 and Vendetta Research) and he was correct. Great phonostage which is not well known in the US. You can find a good review of it in HIFI +.
The hum is all gone, I had the Einstein The Turntable Choice placed to close to the Hovland or some power cables, moved the phonoe stage into the window post and it is as quiet as anything I have heard.

I have read about the Isenberg, but I think it's too expencive, but thanks a lot for good advice.

The Tron and the Martensen are good suggestions, thanks.
What about the Raven Phono stage, could that be something? It's reasonably priced, all tube - no transformer, impedance to order and three inputs.