Phono Stage, Tonearm, Cartridge Question - Which is the most important?

I’ve been on this site for some time and have always been impressed with the amount of knowledge here.  I am a music lover to the core and I really enjoy the end result of high-end audio.  Over the past 3-4 years I have significantly upgraded my system based on advice here and from professional retailers. I have no technical skills or background but would say I have graduated from “I don’t know what I don’t know” to “I know what I don’t know” with what I don’t know being quite a lot.  I am, however, intellectually curious and eager to understand how things work.

With that background, my question is this. When considering the phono stage, tonearm and cartridge chain, which component is the most significant determinant of how a record sounds? I know everyone has different views about how something should sound but which of the three components has the greatest impact on how something will sound and why?

Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!





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Showing 1 response by mglik

I have recently, after many months with no TT, upgraded to a much better table.

I had a really good Woodsong Garrard 301. And am using a super nice Triplanar arm, Grado Epoch 3 cartridge and great full function Atma-Sphere MP-1 preamp.

But after hearing a system with comparable arm, cart and phono stage with a $50K NVS TT I was inspired to sell my 301 and look for a better TT.

I got very lucky and found a beautiful Artisan Fidelity Lenco. New, it sold for about $20K. It creams my old Garrard. This clearly leads me to believe that the TT, by far, is the most important. Records that were previously unlistenable are now terrific. With the Garrard my collection was comprised of about 10-15% “bad” recordings. Now it is down to about 2-3%. 
BTW-There is now a very similar AF Lenco on USAudiomart from the same man who sold me mine. If you can live with its pearl white finish, it is a steal at $5K.