Phono Stage Recommendation $3000

Hi Guys
Want to upgrade my Phono Stage. 
Currentky I have 2 TTs, a Project Debut Carbon with a Denon DL 103R paired to a Project Tube Box DS. My second TT is a Clearaudio Preformence DC with a Dynavector Karat D17 paired to an Avid Pellar. Rest of my equipment is B&W 800d, Classe CTM 600, Ayre KX-R. As most of my system I would like a tube phono if possible and 2 Inputs if at all doable. 
infection, your name speaks for itself.

So I'm the only one to deprecate your statement...???
And I certainly can't criticise someone with such a high post dare I.
 I heard the Herron and an aesthetics Rea signature side-by-side and the herron Was significantly better. 
Thanks again guys. Now I am torn between the the Herron and the JC3. 
I am not based in the US so for me its one or the other. Have to decide and order. Parasound has a dealer local to me while for the Herron I would have to arrange on my own. The Herron and the SUT option sounds very good. Could get just the Herron for now and use my Clearaudio MM cart with it until next year and then get the SUT. 
If I can arrange I may go with the Herron. 
Again thanks a lot for the input and advice. 
I also suggest the Herron VTPH-2.  I have NOS Telefunkens in mine and it sounds wonderful. Plus Keith will let you try it in your system for 30 days only had to pay shipping if I decided to return it; obviously I didn't.

Consider older Sutherland Engineering units. Some of them are even battery powered.