Phono stage and Cartridge for Technics 1210 GR

I am about to purchase a Turntable and am leaning towards Technics 1210 GR was looking at 1200G but then realized cost of good cartridge and phono.  This is all new to me since I have been mainly streaming and listening to some CD/DAT.

I would like to spend no more than $1500 for for the phono stage and cartridge.  Anything else i will need that I am not thinking about?

I am currently using a  Linear Tube Audio ZOTL Ultralinear Integrated Amplifier I did not get phono stage when purchased.  I asked about adding cost would be $1250 level 1 or $1900 level 2.  I have been researching on the forum and it seems most recommend a separate phono stage.

Here is link to my system.
dukeassassin's System - Virtual Systems (

Thanks for your time in advance.

I believe the Parks Phono pre uses dsp and converts the signal to digital before output (please correct if I am wrong). What's the point of vinyl if you convert it to digital for processing then back to analog for output. Just my take. I wonder how many people who demand that their records are mastered from analog sources uses a PP for their phono pre. I'm sure its a great device, however, if I want digital, I have a great Dac and plenty of hi Rez options.
Nice looking setup

I looked at your photo, and then went to OEM site. Your tweeters are to the outside, and they show them on the outside on their site.

I was trained to put the tweeter on the inside due to tweeter's narrower angle of dispersion. 

Also, I would toe them in just a bit, to avoid dispersion parallel to right side wall.
I am using reviews to narrow my search (probably not best method ;) ).  The Parks Phono had mixed reviews so I moved on and did not research. Thanks for pointing out  aberyclark.

elliottbnewcombjr thanks for taking the time look at my system.  I have emailed Lou the owner of Daedalus about how I have it set up and will let you know his response on the tweeter placement.

I have read (and Michael Fremer also mentioned this feedback from some owners in his review of the 1200G back in 2017) that the sound signature of this turntable tends to be bright. Audio-Technica's house sound is on the bright side. An Audio-Technica cartridge will make your sound even brighter. Unless you like a bright tonality, I would avoid it. Probably something from Nagaoka or Goldring will be better suited. And you have to take into consideration your electronics as well. Just my 2 cents. Others may comment.
If your budget is $1,500 combined for the phono stage and cartridge, I would recommend the Parks Puffin as others have and a Hana SL cartridge. Yes, the Puffin does an analog to digital to analog conversion, but it sounds great for a $500 phono stage. Very quiet and enough gain for any cartridge. 

Having said all that, I would wait a while and save up and budget more for something like a Manley Chinook or similar phono stage. That would be more in line with the quality of your turntable.