Phone Pre (new or used) Under $1000 to replace Dynavector P-75

I have a Technics GR1200 with a Dynavector 20x2L cart going to a Dynavector P-75 phono pre - Synergistic Combo for sure.  I am considering upgrading the phono stage, but I'd like to keep it to around a $1k.  MM or MC could work.  I have several MM's I could replace the Dynavector with including a Soundsmith Carmen MKII.

That being said, I'm not sure I can find one new for $1K, but maybe used, tjhat could better the Dynavector.  Though Im sure many will argue that.  Im not in a position to go and hear anything where I live, so that is a bit of a problem.

I have Thiel CS2.4 speakers running on a BAT VK-3ix pre and a Parasound A21 amp.  The preamp is tube the amp is SS.  I was thinking a tube phono pre might fit the bill better but I could be swayed either way.

Right now a short list would be:

Croft RIAA (new)
Audio Research PH-3 (used)
EAR? (used)


Showing 1 response by harold-not-the-barrel

I just recently got a serviced 25 yrs old SS true balanced Electrocompaniet EC-3 w/ balanced MC board for under $900 off eBay and this true A class preamp performs just absolutely fantastic.
Plays very low output MCs such as 0.12 mV Highphonic MC R5 with power and nuances I haven´t experienced before. I do believe I couldn´t have got a better vintage or new preamp anywhere. It also has a true balanced input for CD. All in all, sheer quality by design and sound, weights like sin and runs hot as a true A class amp should.