Phase inversion, active speakers and a tortured soul

Running de Havilland Mercury 3 preamp (RCA out) with pleasure into ATC 40 active towers.  Contacted Don Sachs for a new preamp.  Nice response explaining his inverted signal will not work with XLR connection at ATC terminus.  I believe him.  Dead end.  The ATCs stay.

Looking for definitive upgrade and I do not want small 12 designation tubes so many use in this application.  I really enjoy the Type 85 tube Kara uses for its soundstage scale and dynamics.  The Type 85 could do a bit better in the bass region, tighter.  Something quite better than the 12s would be nice.

I also hate the proliferation of cheap volume pots.  The Goldpoint and Khozmo are definitive upgrades.

Thank you for positive suggestions to my truly First World problem of a preamp upgrade.

Showing 1 response by erik_squires

Hmmmmm, the only thing that should prevent it from working out is a low impedance input on the ATCs, but hey, what do I know?