Persona and cable and interconnects match?

Hello, need some advice for a system I am building in my 14x19x9 ft bedroom.  I have the persona 3fs(right left and center), and coda 8 amp V2 - 250 watts, since I like my music loud and movies 70%movies/30%music.  I have the Marantz 7705 right now for my receiver. I plan on selling my three  outlaw monoblocks which I have now in my old system but should I save one monoblock for the persona middle channnel or get a Parasound A21 or something else for the center and what cables and interconnects do you recommend: audio envy or black cat or another? I have a new svs sb4000 subwoofer, too.  Thanks in advance for the advice.
Thanks, I got advice about the Coda 8 sounding great with the personas but still debating about the 250 w or 150 w version before I order it!  Also not sure which amp to use for the center channel that will be synergistic with the coda??

Nice system. What made you go with CODA and how does the CODA sound with the Persona 3F? I have a 12 x 11 x 9 room and I am thinking of squeezing a Persona 3F into it.

I am a big fan of Audience speaker cables and interconnects. The Persona is a little tricky since it is so detailed. I definitely would not use any silver cables with it.