Patricia Barber, Cafe Blue "un-mastered"

I thought I would write an opinion of the subject CD release. I won't call this a review since at this time I don't consider myself qualified to do a "review". I was perusing the Elusive Disc website and noticed a new version of this classic CD called UN-mastered. It is an SACD version which is billed as being as close to the original mix as possible. Wow, I thought, this has to beat the pants off my Premonition Records good old redbook CD! But how could it be any better? If you are familiar with this release, the audio quality is amazing.

I went ahead with the purchase looking to hear Ms. Barber and her band in even better clarity, crispness, presence, and sound stage.The liner notes say that this mix was done at Capital Studio's in Hollywood, "where the digital multi-track was mixed in the analog domain and the analog chambers were used to produce ambience and reverb" as described by Gus Skinas of the Super Audio Center.

I should note that my play back device is an Ayre C-5xeMP which is routed through a Plinius Tautoro pre and SA-103 amp. The amp drives Legacy Audio Focus speakers. I popped the disc into the Ayre and notice the SACD indication showing in the window along with the associated LED light indicator. I turned the volume up a bit and was immediately struck by how (please forgive me Ms. Barber) dry it sounded. I let the first track play through and thought, ok to be fair, I won't touch anything except to replace the SACD version with the redbook. I made the switch and there it was. That magical deep sound of the bass, the great vocals etc. I tried a few more tracks using the A/B method and came to the same conclusion after each one.

What was missing in this mix is the processing that normally occurs from the studio feed, reverb, delay, EQ, etc. This SACD sounds (and basically is) the studio feed without the processing, which is essentially a "live on tape" studio feed recording. There is some reverb due to the "analog chambers" whatever they are, but it is pretty much just as if you were hearing the musicians playing live in front of you with no sound treatment and in a studio environment where reflections and natural room acoustics are kept at a minimum. Now, I will admit that the overall recording quality is good, but this mix in my mind leaves a lot to be desired. Sorry Gus but I am very disappointed in this version. It does come in a great case though!    

Showing 4 responses by erik_squires

I'll go look for that album!

Honestly I stopped buying Barber until recently, her more recent albums are much more enjoyable for me.


So I went back and listened again. I'm afraid I'll make few friends here after this.

To my ears this CD did not age well at all. The tracks get a little better half way through the album, but overall it kind of reminds me of early Pop CD's and digital drums: very very good imitations of musical instruments played by a machine. Pretty similar to the experience I had decades ago at Goodwyn's.

This feature is a trait that seems to have carried over at least a couple of CD's later, including Modern Cool. The Cole Porter Mix and Live at the Green Mill thankfully are free of whatever this odd feeling I have while listening to Cafe Blue is.

Sorry Everyone! Whatever that audiophile quality that attracts listeners to Cafe Blue is I'm afraid it is lost on me completely.


I'm really going to have to listen again.  My living room is in chaos as I re-orient for best sound.

I do remember hearing Cafe Blue at Goodwyn's High End for the very first time with an Avalon / Spectral setup and the only thing then or since I've been impressed by is the finger snapping, but please, hold flames until I've had a chance to re-listen, please.

I have heard her latest High-res self-published tracks and they are pretty nice!


I'm going to have to pull out my redbook of this again. I do not remember it being all that. There were some high speed attacks at times, but despite the press, I never found it to be a super super great audiophile CD. I did think it was a very good Jazz CD though. :)

