I have a Pass XP-20 and XA100.5 which sound great together and in my system. I have heard Spectral gear, though not the top of the line like you mention, in a system that had the same tt as mine but different speakers and room, so I can't really compare. That SME/Spectral/MIT/Magico system was the best I've heard. At this level, you have to match the electronics to the speakers and your taste. I have not heard the Focals. The dealer should let you audition these electronics in your system before committing, but I'm pretty sure the same dealer doesn't represent both of these top brands.
Drjoe brings up a good point about the Spectral gear needing very expensive MIT cables to sound their best. The Pass is slightly warmer with very natural timbre and glorious midrange, while I found the Spectral ultra clean and detailed. They are both great.