Pass Labs XA30.5 -> Line Magnetic 508ia?

As the title states, I'm considering moving from a XA30.5 power amp, using a Primaluna Dialogue Premium preamp (with 60's Mullards throughout) to an intergrated tube amp, the Line Magnetic 508ia. Any owners that have gone Pass Labs to high quality tubes or even Line Magnetic?
Speakers are 90db 4ohm and find the xa30.5 has enough muscle to drive the speakers without going overly loud (I don't listen loud anyways).
There aren't a lot of impressions of the 508ia but everything is quite positive that I do find. My biggest concern is how much current (or high of quality) the power supplies can provide. I'm looking for a little lushness and sparkly highs without getting muddy or really loose with the bass.

Showing 1 response by 2psyop

Yeah it is unfortunate about the experience with LM Audio. I bought the little 216ia after listening at a local dealer im Cleveland, Ohio. I was impressed by this new brand he was showing as was he. I luved it, still do, but it had a transformer fail and LM replaced it through the dealer, no problems. I even got to use a big LM SET amp while I waited on mine to be repaired. I have had a bad experience with another brand, that many people really like. So, it’s a roll of the dice sometimes. I do think going through a reputable dealer helps.