Pass Labs XA25 without preamp (from a variable output source) vs INT25



I just have a single source system (a DAC with a high quality variable output) so what would be the best aounding option? DAC direct to XA25 through the variable output or DAC with fixed output and an INT25?

Reading between lines it seems INT25 looses some transparency and gravitates to a warm sound compared to the very clean and transparent sound the XA25 provides. I love a transparent, rich and 3D sound but I don't want a lean sound. 

Anyone here uses the XA25 without preamp from a high quality variable output source?






Showing 3 responses by avanti1960

running an xa25 with a very nice tube preamp. a solid, transparent dynamic linestage is by far the way to go for energy, blistering dynamics and soundstage.

many people grossly underestimate the contribution a top quality linestage can make.  



hi, i have never tried the xa25 without a preamp but i have gone the passive preamp route before and did not care for the sound vs. a dynamic energetic preamp.  

btw i have the cary slp 05, not the 98.  

sounds just burst and project into the room lively and without strain.  no DAC that i have heard or even many linestages can compete.  expensive yes but hearing is experiencing. shortcuts are just that, they can sound fine until you hear something else.