Pass Labs XA25 vs Benchmark AHB2

Anybody listened to both of those amps? How you can compare them?
@vad58 This will answer your question about a tube preamp and the AHB2.

How Should I Buy an Audio System? - Benchmark Media Systems

I use a CODA 07x SET preamp (warm) and AudioMirror Tubadour III SE tube DAC (warm) with an AHB2 to tame my RAAL SR1a headphones. I realize now after a lot of tests that I am not taming the AHB2. It has no sound to it. It just gives you the cumulative sound up the chain. I disliked the AHB2 on the SR1a with other DACs and preamps and wires until this current combo.

I also have an all BM stack and I think that is where the AHB2(s) really shines. It is different from the warm sound most like.
I’ve had my ABH2s now for a couple months.  Hands down, these are the best amplifiers I’ve had.  Most recently I had a pair of Constellation Centaur mono, but prior to that I also had Pass, MSB, Spectral, Levinson. Cello ….  I’m using 4 ABH2s, two per side, all in mono to power TAD R1s.  One ABH2 drives the woofers and one drives the coax mid/tweeter of each speaker.  The ABH2s are connected directly to a Berkeley Reference DAC.  The level of transparency is astonishing.  Detailing and smoothness of the sound is superb.  Imaging is razor sharp.  Bass control is also excellent.   Dynamics with the TADs and 4 ABH2s are truly explosive.   And 4 ABH2 are 1/4 the price of the amps they replaced.   


hi , may i ask if you are using Constellation Centaur now or 4 units of AHB2 ? which preamp are you pairing with the power amp you're using now? Thanks for sharing your experience. 



I have owned the XA25 and dual AHB2 trying both mono and single stereo driving my Spendor D7.2 towers.  

Even the single AHB2 was more than enough power.  Although the Benchmark has lower distortion and noise I found the Pass XA25 more refined sounding overall and with a sweeter more pleasant treble.  

The AHB2 had a more forward sounding midrange but somewhat flatter.  The XA25 midrange was more spacious and literally soared into space.  

Dynamics on the XA25 were fast and realistic.  The AHB2 was actually too dynamic and hyper.  You could be listening at a very low volume yet some parts of the music would become quite loud.  

I just could not get the AHB2 to work in my system.  The XA25 is a very special amplifier.