Pass Labs XA 25 Cables

I was wondering if any Pass Labs XA25 Amp owners could tell me what they are using for Speaker and interconnect cables. I am looking to upgrade some basic cables and have a budget of about $800.00 + -. Where would I get the most bang for my buck? I have read that the Audioquest Go-4 were a good match, but at 15’ runs that would blow my budget. I currently have a mix of Blue Jeans, Anti Cable Ref1, AudioQuest Evergreen ICs and Canare 4S11 Speaker Cable.

I am not looking to start an overall conversation about cables, just cables that have been used with the XA25, and have had good synergy.

Clearaudio Concept
Clearaudio MC cart
Pass Labs XP 15 phono stage
Schitt Yiggdrasil DAC
Rogue Audio RP5 Pre
Pass Labs XA 25 amp
Spatial Audio M3s

Mark O

HR over at Stereophile seems to like the Audioguest Tornado with the XA25 (at least compared to stock) so that might be an option, and I already have Cerious Tech Graphene "Blue" pcs that I will try on the XA25. The Sigma recommendation above is way too $$ for me, so can't go down that path. What else is proven to work great with the XA25??
Anyone have any specific power cord recommendations for XA25 that really make it shine?? Please advise!
I like it. I've had the Ref Transparent SCs for a few years and they were a big upgrade over the prior SCs (Transparent Ultra, I think). At that time, I had a mix of other cables in my system.

I haven't wanted to move to new SCs due to the investment I have now in these cables and cost to upgrade/move. If I were willing to drop another $13K or so (I'm not), I'd either go with Shunyata Sigma SC to complete the loom or upgrade to Transparent Ref XL. 

Over the time I've had the SCs, I've upgraded the rest of the loom to Shunyata Sigma...with each addition, I liked the sound more and more.
how do you like the Shunyata and Transparent cabling combination?Very interesting mixing these (2) brands.
Happy Listening!
Late getting back...

@kw6,  prior to the XA25 I had a CJ MF2550 SS amp. Great amp, but I moved it to my office system due to a what seemed to be a position-specific buzzing noise; the amp is much, much quieter in its new location. 

@pryso, I have Wilson Sophia 3 speakers. The XA25 has more than enough power for my uses with these speakers, which are easy to drive.
I have the XA25 and it’s a great match with my Tekton DI SE speakers. For a preamp, DAC and phono stage in one I am using Mytek Manhattan II - fully loaded. It’s not cheap but it works very well. My speaker cables and interconnects are Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme.
Thanks Terry! I ordered one today! I had to try it as it could be the steal of the century. Hope it’s a giant killer like you say! I just got the stock one with switching power supply. If I really like it. I will order it the LPS down the road!

Hi Terry,

Regarding the Micro Z2 pre were you using the linear power supply  or the switching one?

I used Nordost Frey 2 to phono, Frey 2 to line, with Tyr 2 from line to amp.  The highs were detailed but not sweet.  I then tried Acoustic Zen Absolute copper from pre to amp instead of the Tyr 2 and, although there was an improvement in listenability, it was not involving.  I'm now using AQ Earth there and it sings.  The XA-25 reveals the sound of interconnects like no other amp I've owned.  It has taught me the meaning of transparent.  Looking for cables that will sound good with this amp is like asking what spice tastes good with a fork.  What's cookin' upstream and downstream is much more important.
Yes you are right! Thanks for clarifying that up Terry!

 I remember i owned an AL mod 3a over 10 yrs ago and didn't notice any special 3d capabilities! And I hated  the transformer hum in the power supply. I don't know how current units sound.  But I did hear the AL L1 paired with classe ca-100 with Maggie  M12 and  boy was that sound palpable. On the ultimate demo disk from chesky. The saxophone  solo track was so present fully fleshed out. And the tak tak of the keys just there in the room.
Hey kw6,

Two points:
1) The F6 amplifier produces 50 watts into 4 ohms, the XA-25 when it was measured (Stereophile Review) produced 80 watts into 8 ohms and close to over 120 watts into 4 ohms-way over the very conservative rating done by Pass Labs. 

2) I never comment out of ignorance.  I have heard the Audible Illusions L3A, but never in my system or a rig that I have spent a lot of time listening to.  I have had over seven highly regarded tube/SS based preamplifiers in my reviewing system and the Micro-ZOTL, with the right NOS tubes, still is the overall champ.   
Hi Terry,

Would you think the Micro MZ2 pre would image better than the Audible illusions L3A? Thats if you heard the AI in your system!
Ok thanks pryso! There was another review saying F6 first watt couldn't control bass. F6 is similar power to XA25.
kw6, two reviews of the XA25 I found online mention using the Maggie .7s in testing and raved about it.  I have no personal experience.
Hey guys doesthe xa25 have enough current to drive Magnepan .7s? Room 12 by 17  9ft ceilings. For jazz & acoustic pop. No heavy metal!
Hey Kw6,

I'm not a fan of digital preamps, which still cannot provide what a great tube based preamp can as far as tonality and space for my ears.
I got an XA25 about a month ago and am using Shunyata Sigma power cords & ICs with a Conrad-Johnson ET5 pre. Speaker cables are Transparent Reference.

Swapping out my old SS amp for the Pass was one of the biggest improvements I've heard in my system in many years.
One last question Terry! What you think of using a network player with digital preamp straight into the xa25? 
Hey Kw6,

I still use the Linear Tube Audio Micro-ZOTL as my reference linestage with the upgraded power supply.  This combo is the best I have found so far, and the both are very reasonable priced compared to other pieces I have reviewed in this system.
Hi Terry,

What preamp would you consider to be transparent enough for the xa25? I have a Audio electronic supply preamp. I have considered moving up to the Cary slp98 or audible illusions line stage.

Don't worry about the cables just use with speakers that are 4 ohms and up!
I own an XA25 and use Cerious Technologies Graphene Matrix speaker cables and ICs. The cables are great but I warn you that the speaker cables are extremely heavy and are very stiff.
Thanks for the input Teajay. Although these may be beyond my budget, I'll take a look at the used/demo Planus CU2s. Maybe I can "demo" some demo's. I have found researching and demoing cables to match a system is very time consuming and complex. 
Hey Mark,

I wrote a review on the Pass Labs XA-25 for and believe it's one of the most beautiful SS amps I have ever had in my system.  I bought the review piece were it powers my reference system this very day.  I would recommend you look into MG Cables, I use both their IC's and speaker wires and find them superlative with Pass Lab gear.  Contact Mike Kay of Audio Archon to see what demo /used MG cables he has in stock for reduced prices.