Pass labs XA-160.8 monos - or -  Mark Levinson 536 monos for Magico's

If you had to chose today / now one of these sets of mono-blocks for same money what would you choose?

Pass labs XA-160.8 monos

- or -  

Mark Levinson 536 monos


Associated gear

Bricasti M1SE w/M12 built in ethernet media player
SGC sonicTranporter Roon Server w/Uptone JS-2 LPS
TLS OCXO ethernet Switch & 912 OCXO LPS
TLS Reference CAT7 ethernet cable loom
TLS Reference DC cable loom

(Either Mark Levinson 523 or Pass Labs XP-30) based on monos chosen

Magico S5 MK II

Kubala-Sosna Emotion/Elation Full Loom


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack

Showing 1 response by erik_squires

Absolutely neither ??

Not a fan of the Pass sound in general, and I've heard ML with Magico.  MEH!

I really think you need to expand your horizons here.