Pass labs upgrade path

Hi there. I’m Currently running a X350.5 and XP20 with a Bricasti M1SE and PBN KAS speakers. 

I have budget to upgrade amp or preamp and am considering either a X350.8 or XP22 or XP30 as my next logical upgrade. 

I’m more inclined for a XP22 than anything else as I heard a XP12 in my system and it did sound much more like a live show but without the advantages of separate power supply. 

I have not heard a XP30 or a .8 amplifier so I figured I’d ask around and see if anyone had been in a similar spot. 

Thanks y’all. 


Showing 1 response by dougthebiker

I haven’t sprung for the Townsend platforms yet, but @millercarbon was definitely right about the Nobsound springs.

Big improvement under my speakers and they are crazy cheap.

 I’d prefer that no one tries to ban anyone with good advice.  It’s hard to come by.