Pass Labs Speaker Choices

Hello, Just curious what everyone is using for speakers and their Pass Labs gear ?  


@docfletch I was thinking about the 60.8s this week. If for some reason I change my amp, that’s what I am going to go with. I worry a little that my amp is a lot for my  space. I wrote pass labs and they said I should be good. I figured if anything I could get smaller speakers first. I suppose the real reason I went with the 250.8 was I listen to some heavier rock and I thought it would be an overall better choice. Guess we shall see. 

Pass int 250. Dyn special 40’s in 12x14 room. Sound like floor standing speakers in my room. 

Pass XA-25

Revel M126be/ ATC  SCM 19v2/ Gallo Reference Strata 2

Triad Silver sub woofer & Gallo TR 3d

Anthem STR

OPPO 205 Modwright

Gem Dandy Poly Table-Hana ML lo-Sutherland 20/20

Furman IT 1220 balanced power

Diffusers & Absorption 

The Office system.....great fun...

I would describe the XA-25 sound as lush/warm/detailed..... a keeper for sure..

My 250.8 powers Wilson Audio Sabrina X's, ARC REF6 pre, and MSB Discrete DAC.  When I sit in my music room and smoke a bong hit when listening to live music, I feel as if stage security is going to kick me out, LOL!