Pass Labs Speaker Choices

Hello, Just curious what everyone is using for speakers and their Pass Labs gear ?  


Showing 5 responses by shtr74sims

Gonna be a big upgrade from my rotel and b@w setup. I’m only waiting on my rack from butcher block acoustics at this point . 

I will be running… 

Pass XP-12, 250.8, Bricasti M3, Cardas Cyngus cables. Waiting on my rack to come in is like a kid waiting on Christmas. 


@andrei_nz I almost picked up a pair of the A3 lightly used at a dealer. I found an excellent deal on my Dynaudio Contour 60i that I couldn’t pass up. 

@docfletch I was thinking about the 60.8s this week. If for some reason I change my amp, that’s what I am going to go with. I worry a little that my amp is a lot for my  space. I wrote pass labs and they said I should be good. I figured if anything I could get smaller speakers first. I suppose the real reason I went with the 250.8 was I listen to some heavier rock and I thought it would be an overall better choice. Guess we shall see.