Pass Labs AMP’s- What is the best Pass Amp Sound for You from past 10 years

So I have an XA-25 and its outstanding. I’ve tested the XA60.8 mono’s and there was not enough difference to move to them; no jaw dropping moments. Don’t get me wrong they were fantastic, but so is the XA25. Looking at the 350.8 or 250.8, etc.... even in comparison the Integrated INT-250... If you love it; want to explain what you like and why? I’m wondering what others are thinking... 
My set up: Wilson Sophia II’s, XA-25, Pass Labs XP-22 pre, Merging+NADAC. 

Showing 1 response by yakbob

I've owned a Pass Labs XA30.5 the last couple of years.I like it mainly because it got me off the amp merry go round and had great synergy with both my vintage KEF 107s and more recent Spatial Audio M3s. The only other amp that came close to the 30.5 for me was the Rowland Model 2 (another lower powered amp).
I tend to lean towards higher quality watts than quantity and the 30.5 offers plenty of quality.