To @audiojan if I may suggest, its the combination of your INT-25, SilverSmith Fidelium cables, paired with your PAP speakers all together, exactly what and why you are hearing what you are enjoying less now if you are more into a system with warmth and body to the sound. If you truly came from a tube system, with your PAP speakers, that prior matching likely worked well together for you in a more engaging way, correct?
We see you don’t believe your new cables have anything to do with it yet I happened to catch your post on the PSAuido forum with the same handle name about how much more airy and open your new cables are compared to Cardas Clear Beyond. I'm a Cardas owner and CBs are pretty open, airy, and detailed too. So, If this is the case, detailed + detailed + revealing = more revealing detail and less of a plush sound imo. Top end is likely much more tipped up now I'd guess.
Sharing fwiw, my main system is all tube. My secondary system is a tube preamp paired with a solid state amp of Pass lineage to help keep it a bit smoother etc.
Matching & Pairing:
If I were in your shoes, I’d be chatting with every owner to be found with your same PAP Trio15 Class speakers, and inquire more about which TYPE of amp and cables they choose to pair up with most and why.
Tube integrated:
Its easy to see why many here are recommending a tube integrated to you instead. Its not that your INT-25 is not a good choice, I just believe you are hearing more of everything now and the lushness of "tube" is not there any more. Note: I sold three pairs of the older Cardas Golden Cross cables to Pass owners with similar comments as yours and what you are experiencing right now - if it helps to know.
I'd be looking for a tube integrated to demo next and compare, decide from there.