Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?

I have listened to PMC speakers (GB1i, FB1i, OB1i) with various integrated (Bryston B100&135, Simaudio 340i, Krell s300i, NAD M3) and was not closed to being satisfied. So I have decided to splurge a little to get Pass Labs integrated. Has anyone tried Int-150/30A or their amp version (x150.5/XA30.5) with PMC FB1i? What's each combination like?

Seems like many people match OB1i with Int-150 but am curious to hear what PMCs sound like with the Pass Labs Class A setup...

I will be using NAD M51 as DAC.
Looks like my other post went missing. Oh Well. Kzhtoo I know and agree about the monitors versus the full range towers. But I have more of a WAF issue than Money.
Diablo it is then :) Still XA100.5 + Diablo will sound heavenly. Come back and let us know..I'd be very interested to hear what you think.
Hey guys, before you get hung up on the Pass, try Hegel. I listened to Hegel H20 amp with Resolution CD player as transport/dac/preamp. I first listened to the system with Amphion Ion+(small book shelf) then Magico V3. I was very impressed. The detail, neutrality. And the realism is top notch.

I thought I was ready to take Electrocompaniet home until I heard Hegel... Hegel is slightly warmer than the XA100.5 but more endearing. All the same detail are there. All the dynamic is there. The liveness isthere too. Hegel is just a little easier on the ears. XA100.5 still has more vivid details and sharply located imaging. Pass is a lot of money! I am almost ready to order their new integrated with build-in dac, the H300.

I think my research will stop at Hegel... Will keep you guys updated...
Foot print is my issue with each amp the size of a small ARC Welder. Even though I have a pair on Hold my Wife is having major heartburn because of their size.

Thanks for the recommendation I am looking at Scala/Maestro Utopia's. I am sure the Pass XA100.5's will be a great match.
