Parasound to Pass Upgrade

I’m considering “upgrading” from my Parasound JC-1s monos to the Pass Labs X260.8 mono blocks. Does anyone have any experience or opinions on the performance differences I would expect? Thanks very much. 


I’m also curious about the X260.8. One question I would like to add, hopefully not high jacking this thread, is how much heat do the X260.8 amps produce?

I agree @jdub39 !
But they are a great value used and can be had new for less than list.

regardless, I did purchase the JC1+ pair and was disappointed.  And I have a halo 5 channel amp and a small halo 2 channel I used bridged for center channel.  I liked them.  

Let's throw the PS Audio BHK 300s into the mix as well. So moving from Parasound JC-1 to either Pass Labs X260.8 or PS Audio BHK300. Thanks for all the feedback.


The Pass x series produce little heat. I had X350 for over ten years. Under load it gets a little warm. Pass xSeries amps are very good for solid  state. To me much more musical than the Parasound.

@fastninja12  if the JC1+ disappointed you, what did you ultimately ended up going with? Also what was your speaker pairing if you don't mind me asking? I am enjoying my JC1+ amps now much more after pairing them with my Sopra No. 3's as opposed to my previous JBL L100 classic speakers.