Paradigm Studio 20 V3 Tweeter Swap

Hey  guys, has any one tried switching out the stock S-Pal tweeter in Studio 20 V3 with an Signature G-Pal? if so, was there a discernable difference in the brightness? Speakers are tube driven with LP and (now) streaming (thanks to finally getting internet and Bluesound Node) the main listening venues.


Showing 2 responses by soix

What’s your budget, and are you open to buying used?  Also, what’s in the rest of your system including cables?

Just buy new speakers. Those Studio 20s don’t owe you anything at this point, and there are a ton of much better monitors out there today at very affordable prices. Plus, there’s a very good chance the new tweeter doesn’t work well in your speaker with its crossover that wasn’t designed for that tweeter to work optimally. Sell them so someone else can enjoy them and put the proceeds toward better speakers — that’s what I’d do anyway. Best of luck.