Panamax Power Conditioner: Keep or Upgrade

I have a Panamax Max 1500 Surge Protector/Power Line Conditioner which I have had in my system for approx. 15 years.
Recently I began the process of upgrading parts of my system. Wondering if I should replace the Panamax due to its age and the advancement in technologies over the time period?
Any recommendations on this?
I am looking for thoughts and feedback on whether the Panamax is still serviceable, especially from those that have experience of this model, or maybe look at other parts of my system?
Thoughts on the Panamax and if majority feel it’s time for an updated model, please let me have some recommendations. Budget to mid-range price ranges. Would like to keep it, as we all would, the best bang for the buck!
Not going to outline the rest of my system, so I get feedback just on this power conditioner question. Especially because it is the oldest piece in my system.
Thanks for all comments and thoughts!
Big E

Showing 1 response by pmm

If it`s sacrificial, or has MOV`s( which degrade over time depending on how many instances they protect from surges or spikes ), it may be best to replace it.

Furman, or Brickwall, would be excellent replacements.