Panamax M5400-PM & splitting power OUTPUT?

Hi. Since there are only (2) HIGH OUTPUT MAINS available , and I am connecting a Marantz Amp (100 WPC), a Marantz AVR, and a 500 W SVS SUB… can I SPLIT an outlet…or which outlet gets Priority?

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Showing 3 responses by erik_squires


So Panamax / Furman have LiFT and SMP, if you have those features it's among the better noise suppression available. Forget the audiophile noise meters, they don't have enough data to understand if they even matter.

I used my Furman in several rental units and always noticed when it was absent.  I'm now in a home and my power is much cleaner.  Now I use Furman because I live in a lightning prone area.  . 

Smart switches are fine so long as they are properly rated for 15A. 

Please be careful in using too many surge strips.  Try not to daisy chain strips and extension cords as the latter often are barely rated for lamps and lack fuses or breakers.  There is a real fire hazard if used carelessly.  Especially don't put a surge strip after a UPS. 

PS - If your voltage sags while playing music you are going to be getting better performance by using the regulated outlets anyway. 

If your audio outlets are chained together examine the upstream outlets, and if backstabbed replace with new, contractor/residential tamper resistant outlets using back wire connections.  About $5 each. Well worth it just to get rid of back stabbed connections which can get intermittent over time. 

The voltage regulated outputs have 12A capacity (total) which for most systems is a lot. Honestly you could put them all on the VR (voltage regulated) without issue.

If you must use the high output outlets, which only have 3A more, go by the power rating on the back of the units. Order your devices by maximum power/fuse sizes and put the highest power items on the unregulated outlets.

Worth pointing out that the combined output of your unit is 15A.  The maximum output of the regulated outputs (12A) is a subset of the total 15A.  You don't get 15A + 12A = 36A, you still only get 15A. :)