Owning Up To It

Please cite the most forgettable moment in the history of your favorite band. Remember; This is for posterity, so please include as many details as possible :)))

Showing 2 responses by tunehead

AC/DC, 1989, Maple Leaf Gardens Toronto. Loved the band/music. Dead boring show. Loud but no energy,, none. Lead singer (Hagar I think) steeps forward 5 feet, does lyric,,, steeps back 5 feet. Angus steep forward 5 feet. Wail on guitar. Stepp back 5 feet. Lead singer steep forward 5 feet,, does lyric.. steeps back.......

On and on like this the entire concert. Say "thank you very much (insert city here),, good night". Done. Gone. (but not forgotten).

Man I wanted to love that show. But crap.


Oops, yes.got my replacement lead singers mixed up.  Must be the beer(s).