Owners of Gryphon amp; show up: Diablo 300, Diablo 333 and essence stereo amplifier

It will bet interesting as the reviews come in on how people compare Essence separates, Essence amp with a different pre, the 333, and the 300. I currently own the Diablo 300 with Magico s3 mk2 + Luxman DX-10 sacd . No matter how much I read a few rare reviews on the new 333, no one dares to compare it directly to the Diablo 300 and even less to the Essence stereo amplifier ? Although I am completely satisfied with the 300 the upgraditis is still present!!! I understand that you may had the 300, 333 and the Essence ? My main  question is  the difference between the 300 and the 333 greater than if we compare the Diablo 333 with the amp/preamp Essence model ? I don't think I'm heading towards separate items anyway and also would the Essence have enough headroom to drive my speakers in a 23 X 23 listening room ? My dealer Bliss Acoustic Claims that the price difference is not worth the $10K between the 300 and the 333? We know that at this level you have to put a lot of $$$ to hear a slight difference.... My wiring looks like this ; 2 power cord DRAGON, Nordost Valhalla V2 (speakers cables, forget the crap people say about these cables), XLR SILTECH QUEEN 1.5 M. between Luxman and Gryphon.

So thank you for taking the time to read me and maybe give a wise opinion.
Warm regards Claude 
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Showing 1 response by laoman

Your dealer is incorrect; the 333 is a totally different amp to the Diablo.