Overhang question

Hi folks, I need your help. I have a Fidelity Research FR-66S tone arm and Ortofon SPU 85 Anniversary cartridge. How to set the overhang with such a fixed cartridge/head shell SPU? I mean I cannot move the cartridge back and forth to fine tune the overhang. So what should I do if I could not set the correct overhang? Should I adjust the spindle to pivot distance a bit so the overhang could be set correctly? Thank you in advance.


Showing 3 responses by tobias

"Should I adjust the spindle to pivot distance a bit so the overhang could be set correctly?"

Yes, Chris, that ought to work.
"I suppose it is more important to get the overhang correct even if the measured spindle to pivot distance deviates a bit (a few mm's) from the specified value."

Chris, do the spindle to pivot distance adjustment with your alignment protractor in place. Adjust the arm pivot position for perfect alignment on the inner guide (if you're using Baerwald, which you probably should unless you have a Mint).
Chris, there are a number of alignment protractor configurations that have inner and outer positioning guides like your DB Systems gauge. One such configuration, the Baerwald, is the classic and most popular. (Others include the Lofgren and Stevenson systems ; they all use slightly different math but look similar in use.)

The chances are that your DB Systems (which I haven't used myself) uses the Baerwald alignment. No matter. The inner position is the one to use to set your combined overhang/stylus-to-pivot distance.
