Our Responsibility

As my music system competes with fireworks in the background (4th of July, after 9 pm) I’ve been reflecting on John Darko’s recent post (linked below). Specifically this section:

"Being a hi-fi enthusiast isn’t about the gear we own, the music we listen to or in which format. It’s about how we listen: attentively and mindfully, to the music AND to others."

Perhaps the significance and import of this very special day in our national history has opened up a window within me, to explore this further.

I’m asking our community: What is it that we can do to share and expand our interest and hobby, and this special love of music, with others?

From Darko.Audio: https://darko.audio/2019/07/the-know-it-all-audiophile-threatens-community-expansion/

Showing 1 response by clearthink

This hobby has something in common with religion. Denial of reality. Just like religion, this is a dying hobby, and plenty of folks want to deny it along with the reasons it's dying...A BIG problem, and the basis of the most vitriolic exchanges, is the rabid embrace of snake oil by so many in this hobby."

Kosst you are mostly correct hear except I do not think that this hobby is dieing so if that is what you what to claim and assert then some documentation, proof, or data should be presented and you can not simply point to a decline in retail stores as proof because that proves nothing by itself. But the hobby is often similar to religion and you have proved that point here and asserted, argued, and presented you're beliefs with the same fundamentalist passion, conviction, and "vitriol" as any religious practitioner bent on "saving" those who do not embrace their religious "truth" you insult, degrade, and damn those who's beliefs and convictions do not align with your's and you present your closely held and cherished convictions as the only version of the truth and that those who do not accept them in full and who will not bow to your superior wisdom and knowledge suffer from "rabies" which is absurd. Those of us who have some real world life experiences that extend beyond the trailer park have seen this kind of ignorance, intolerance, and self important "superiority" before so good luck with your messianic effort to convert those to your church of "truth".