OTL Tube Amps-- are they superior to everything?

A recent conversation I had with an Audiogon member got me interested in OTLs. His opinion is that nothing compares to them for clarity, naturalness and superiority in just about every area. The Atmaspheres are the amps he has, and they are purportedly very stable, unlike most other OTL designs, which many can tell you were a living nightmare.

This is ironic, because some mfrs., like McIntosh, actually put output transformers on their better solid state pieces, claiming they provide superior sonics.

What is the truth here?

Showing 2 responses by khokugo

Berning lovers, including myself, it's not worth arguing with him, who apparently doesn't care for the sound.
I guess I have to apologize, too. I am not so regular here as I don't have as much experience or knowledge as many of you. But I can say that Berning is a terrific amp, regardless of the definition of "OTL", with respect to cost, performance, reliability and sound. Then again, YMMV, and this is just a different animal from other brands. Different people has different taste.
Saxo, or anyone else, if you live in NY city, I am enjohing my system with Italian speakers which Allan just mentioned, and would be more than happy to bring my Berning with HAND (not with car nor cart!) to your place. That I could contribute to those with passion for this wonderful hobby.

Enjoy and happy hunting! Ken