Ortofon OM20 and Audio Technica AT120E But Mostly Ortofon

Hello there.

Last night I set up a second turntable with an Audio Technica AT120E cartridge.  The sound of it is a lot like being repeatedly punched in the forehead but I am assured that the punches will decrease somewhat as the hours mount up.

But the Big Rig has what I think is an Ortofon OM20 labelled Dual DM165.  I love it to pieces but on some records that have the dreaded somewhere-around-300Hz-hoot, it's a little too hooty for comfort.

I wonder whether there's some snake oil I can do to the turntable that would attenuate the hoot a little bit.  Dry it up.  Flatten it out just a little bit like the Audio Technica.  You know, like mats or cables or something like that.

You don't have to ask me what kind of turntables I have.  The principles would be the same in any case, and you'd mostly just be wasting time.

Thank you kindly..


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