Ordered a Roon Nucleus Plus

I've been using a robust Windows10 Pro Dell laptop (with an external USB connected hard drive) for streaming and storing my CD quality and abover AIFF files.  I have the Tidal Windows app and the Roon core running on this machine.  As more and more updates are pushed out to that machine, it's streaming performance has suffered, mainly some process I can't identify seems to temporarily pause it's connectivity to the network.  Since that machine runs Windows, which has all sorts of processes running not related to music delivery, I decided to "take the plunge" and yesterday ordered a Roon Nucleus Plus.

I'll typically have the external hard drive connected to the Nucleus, but when I purchase new music will connect it to the Dell to store the files on the drive, and back the files up to the cloud.

I've had really good luck running Roon, the program seems really stable, and the sound quality is excellent.  Wish me luck making the transition!
UPS truck arrived a little while ago, but the driver could not locate the package...good thing it was sent requiring a signature...
Got the Nucleus Plus placed on my wall unit, connected up, attached the USB drive with the backup of my Roon database, imported it into the new unit, adjusted some of the settings and checked it out, playing only one song, nice!

The unit doesn't consume that much electricity and doesn't get that warm, so I plan to leave it on all the time, so it can do its thing, with regular backups, updates on the Roon software, etc.

So far, so good!
Love to know how it sonically compares to a Nucleus or DIY - using ethenet/RAAT. My dac doesn't do usb. Does have ethernet/ROON though.