Optimum config for Lumin u1 MIni

I'm replacing my Bluesound Node 2i with  Lumin U1 Mini.  My system is, uhhh, a bit eclectic however, so I'd appreciate any thoughts on the best way to hook it all up  I'm particularly interested in technical theories here - it's not helpful to say "just listen and decide." I will listen, but the setup is tight and reconfiguring it all is a major PITA so I want to put my best foot forward before messing around more.

The digital chain is an Assemblage D2D-1 feeding a Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 MKIII (no, not the MKII).  It's really intended to get the most out of CD's (I have many and it does).  However, upsampling only goes to 24/96.  Not state of the current art, but way better than CD's and in line (or better than) what's routinely coming from Tidal and Qobuz.  And that's what I typically listen to. 

Anyway, this stuff is old and probably unfamiliar so a few words are in order.  The SFD-1 is an upsampler, jitter reducer and fancy input selector.  It connects to the SFD-2 via I2Se.  Google the gear if not familiar.  It's pretty interesting. 

To repeat, my streaming sources are 95% Tidal and Qobuz.  Both basically run at CD resolution if I understand right.  I guess the issue is whether I'm better off sending the Lumin to the D2D-1 or straight to the SFD-2 au naturel.  I have no idea if there are potential jitter issues that could be improved by the D2D-1.  Similarly, might upsampling 16/44 material from Tidal or Qobuz improve that too?  What I can say is the Node 2i into the D2D-1 and upsampled to the SFD-2 is WAY better than feeding the preamp from the Node 2i's own DAC.

Any insights would be welcome.  Cheers,




Yes jitter is less of an issue in more recent DAC designs, but you obviously have this managed well with your existing D2D and DAC that incidentally still features one of the better analog sections around. 

Upsampling when appropriate, and playing higher resolution files is another matter.  This is where your new Lumin will excel, and it features a configurable control panel for upsampling, downsampling, and pass-through.

Your D2D allows you to disable its upsampling feature but retain jitter management and other noise filters.

Incidentally, some of Qobuz and Tidal music is sourced from original hi-res digital masters and streamed at 24/96, 24/192, etc.  Some can discern an audible difference in the better recordings. You might be able to allow passthrough for these without any upsampling.  

So as an option you might try configuring the Lumen to exclusively manage sample rates and feed the D2D for pass through.  But as addressed by Fuzztone, only you can determine whether any of this will be audibly significant.



It only proves that passing thru the D2D sounds better to you. So do it and don’t bother asking for reinforcement.

I can variably upsample thru 2 different players. This is hardly noticeable to me. I only do it because I can. A good DDC or a good cable make more of an improvement.


For @sns:

Interesting comment.  Can you elaborate?  Are you saying that it's obsolete because jitter has become a thing of the past?  Or that the D2D's jitter reduction implementation itself is obsolete? If the latter, does it matter as long as it still works?  Obviously I'm old school and the whole topic is way over my head.

FWIW, I'm not interested in streaming DSD downloads and Tidal/Qobuz only stream in PCM anyway.  Doesn't matter cause the SFD-2 can't do PCM anyway.  Then the only question is coaxial BNC or AES/EBU?  I've never settled on a clear winner but everyone has an opinion.

As for the rest looks Like I'll leave the D2D-1 out of the loop.  Thanks and cheers,

Well fuzztone, your penchant for snark seemed to overwhelm your ability to grasp the point.  I'll express it more clearly for you:  CD's when upsampled through the D2D sound better than when not.  That begs the obvious question: would upsampling 16/44 streaming from Tital/Qobuz benefit similarly?





Connect direct to SF, the jitter reduction topology in Assemblage is obsolete and the upsampling is doing nothing for you. In this case less is more.

I would connect the Lumin direct to the Sonic Frontiers , you can upsample or downsample in the Lumin U1 mini there's no need to use the D2D.