Optimal Volume and Settings for Mytek Brooklyn

Hi all!

I’ve got a Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ driven by a MacBook Pro. When I put the volume above about -3 I get distortion and clipping. Is this expected? I usually leave it around -10. Is there an optimal volume?

also, I know it has filters, but I’m not sure what any of them do or how they are suppose to differ.  Does anyone have preferences on them? At the moment everything is default. Thanks!
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Showing 5 responses by mayoradamwest

MacBook Pro running Tidal and Roon, to Rotel RC-1590 preamp to McIntosh MC452. This happens at reasonable volumes on the preamp. 
That's exactly what MQA to non-MQA does on Tidal. MQA shows 96/24 while everything else is 44/16. That said, I still feel like the sound on my system is better when I back off the volume a bit on the Mytek. I have a McIntosh C47 preamp arriving early next week, so we'll see if that makes a difference. I'd be surprised to learn the Rotel flagship preamp couldn't handle the output of the Mytek, though.