Opportunity to buy Demo Magico M2?

A dealer called me with an offer to sell their demo Magico M2’s at a massive discount. I was recently in their shop and tested the A5’s with my Gryphon Diablo 300, and I found the bass to be lacking with the A5’s. I think this was likely due to the fact that they had less than 250 hours on them.

My room, while not massive, is on the larger side. Vaulted ceilings that rises to 14 feet at the peak, about 26ft front to back, and open on the sides (house is open concept). There is a large and tall island that separates out the listening area.

Considering my room size, and considering my not so great experience with the A5’s, should I bother lugging my amp into the shop to test the M2’s? I have to travel a ways so it’s a bit of a commitment. But the discount they are offering is about $25k off. And they said it would include the M-Pods.  Thoughts?



Showing 2 responses by bobbydd


My A5's are positioned 9 feet into a 29 foot long room, also 16 feet wide and with 10 foot ceilings.

Break in was not a major factor, sound was good from the off, though improved some with use.

Every room has a different sound, so sometimes it's an educated.guess of what will work.

FWIW I preferred the A5 to the Sasha DAW, and this is from a Watt/Puppy 7 owner.

Good luck!

Have the A5 driven by ARC Reference preamp and Pass class A mono's.  Had multiple sets of Wilson's prior.

The A5 is a very good speaker for the money (still expensive).  In my room, careful positioning leads to amazingly large stage and ample but tuneful bass.  If anything, they can have too much bass, not too little.  Detail and dynamics are top notch.  Super clean and low distortion sound, natural tonal balance.

It's all about how the speaker interacts with the room and associated equipment, along with proper placement.

M2 is a smaller speaker, and too expensive for my taste so not even an option.  A5 costs half of a discounted M2.

I view the A5 as a poor man's M6.  Bet the A5 is blowing the doors off sales wise most of Magico's mid ranged products.  For me it's either the A5, M6 or nothing else in the Magico line up.  

Just IMO, naturally.