Oppo UHP 205 Universal Player

Hello.  Have an opportunity to purchase a mint condition Oppo 205 universal player for $2,500.  I'm heavily into multi-channel SACD and Blu-Ray music playback.  Seem like a reasonable deal?  Any other suggestions?

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I did read a few of the reviews that I could find, one person did compare the Magnetar to the Oppo and said the Magnetar sounded a little more detailed than the Oppo BUT also a little forward sounding for his likening BUT also said the Oppo had better bass.   The Magnetar was likely a brand new unit not broken in yet so it would likely mellow out a bit after some breakin time.

One review I saw suggested that menu / user interface of the Magnetar was a bit clumsy compared to the Oppo. They do look very similar. I’m only guessing, but I’d imagine the extra weight of the Magnetar might have some benefit.

I have compared both Oppo 205 and the Magnetar UDP 900 and to my observation the audio using the XLR balance output on both unit sounded the same as well as the 7.1 analog output. You could probably hear a bit clearer audio on the Magnetar 900 as they have all new components inside and as mentioned above the Magnetar UDP900 has not been broken in yet.

Now the video to my observation if we’re talking about racing cars the Magnetar UDP900 is ahead by half a car length, again the Magnetar has not been broken in yet but so far I see more natural true color and clearer, and better contrast, again maybe because of the new components inside. I’ll report back once my Magnetar UDP is all broken-in I say between 500 to 1000 hours.