Opinions which one is better sounding.
If you are referring to the PS Audio Direct Stream Memory Player... I own one and also the Oppo 205. The PS DS player is way better for 2 channel music playing. Although the cost is $6000 compared to $1200 for the Oppo, and the Oppo plays 4K/Blu rays discs superb.

Apples and oranges. Oppo is a universal player with an average DAC and the PS Audio PerfectWave is a well above average DAC. Completely different devices for different usecases.
I'd better get on my horse and hear one of these "new fangled" DACs.
If 'yall think the Oppo 205 is "average" then I must be missing something.
I'll admit that I've always thought the '105 was a bit strident next to my Rega DAC, it may have been the speakers. My (new) B&W 804D3 seems to bring out the 105s potential (haven't used the Rega in a long time).
The new kid ('205) is clearly better (IMO) than the '105 and it's not broken in yet! Yep, got to hear one of these $6000 monsters and get myself up to speed!
Adding to my post above, I am using both the PS Direct Stream Memory Stream player and the PS Direct Stream Dac. Both cost $6000 each. So the price difference between the Oppo 205 is significant. And so is the sound quality.
